In case you needed a reminder, or two, or 50. :) Here are 50 and then some.
increases flexibility
strengthens muscles
improves balance
improves immune function
improves postures
improves lung function
leads to slower and deeper breathing
discourages mouth breathing
increases oxygenations of tissues
improves joint health
nourishes intervertebral disks
improves return of venous blood
increases circulation of lymph
improves function of feet
improves proprioception
increases control of bodily functions
strengthen bones
conditions the cardiovascular system
promotes weight loss
relaxes the nervous system
improves function of the nervous system
improves brain function
activates the left prefrontal cortex
changes neurotransmitter levels
lowers levels of the stress hormone cortisol
lowers blood sugar
lowers blood pressure
improves levels of cholesterol and triglycerides
thins blood
improves bowl function
releases unconscious muscular gripping
uses imagery to effect the change in the body
receives pain
lowers need for medication
fosters healing relationships
improves psychological health
leads to healthier habits
fosters spiritual growth
elicits the placebo effect
encourages involvement in your own health
improves balance
improves posture
improves symptoms of menopause
body awareness
improves sleep
for all ages
improves digestion
reduces stress
improved energy and vitality
I can think of a few more, can you?
Please share.
Be well. Be kind.
Breath by James Nestor
The Science of Yoga
Yoga as Medicine The Yogic Prescription for Health and Healing by Timothy McCall, MD (Majority of the list above is from this book on page 30)